Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's Your Take on This Situation

So we hear in the media that a psychologist is not treating homosexuals properly because some patients are becoming suicidal after treatment. Tell me something. Are these patients not already killing themselves but only taking a cowardly slower means? These people are going down a dangerous path that will someday affect each and everyone of us or someone related to us and those of us who do not know or see this danger wants to just sit back and say, "Well, as long as it doesn't affect me or anyone close to me its not my problem."

Those of us who see and know the danger are trying to get these people to see it and change their lives for their own benefit. People need to wake up and help to restore our nation to what our forefathers prayed for it to be and become before it's too late.

A young lady gets acquitted of murder charges and is convicted of misdemeanors. She is completing her sentence and getting ready to reunite with her family and reenter public life. A small group of people express their dsssatisfaction with the decision handed down by the jury and disgust at the fact that a little girl is gone and "the muderer" is going free. Let's just back up for a minute. Did these few people see the same trial the other people saw? You know when something right and proper is done, those who see it that way just say that that is what is expected so there's no need to comment or respond, which is the view of the majority. But when we're dissatisfied, our reaction is strong, and vehemently demonstrative thereby influencing others to join the banwagon.

The media certainly doesn't help, adding their input only to strengthen the negative views and actions of the few dissatisfied individuals who quickly grow to alarming numbers due to media influence. All the while these print and electronic media just keep feeding this news item because it increases viewership and generates revenue. Does it help the society at large though? Let us all leave this young lady to go on with her life and accept the system whichever way the decision goes. We're sorry for what happened to this little girl but let's accept it as it is. It was an accident. Who would want innocent blood on their hands if this young lady was convicted and sentenced to be executed when its truly an accident.

In the midst of the chaos and confusion in this country, from the executive branch of government, to the judiciary and legislative branch and all the way down to the man in the streets, A beacon of light is shining through the life experience of Jaycee Dugard as she stood and is still standing tall and strong. At least that is one news item the entire populus of over three hundred million in this country agrees on. By the way everyone is entitled to his/her own views and opinions on each of these and any other matter, just don't try to force it on anyone or present it as a fact. that could be dangerous. To God be the glory. Amen.

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