Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's Your Take On The Situation?

We see daily in the media where one set of people are being defended in their immoral lifestyle while another set of people are wrong to speak out against that lifestyle. We see one set of people being shown on the airwaves as the voice for "the people" who are stating their views of disgust on a court's decision to acquit a defendant but where are those people who are sorry to hear what truly happened to a child and accept that this was an accident.
And the events keep happening over and over again and the response by a small percentage in this country with a seemingly large voice supported and pushed by a media whose only objective is to make as much revenue as possible from each story. So they get with the emotions of those who will boost their profits. It's called bias and its dangerous. Those who are easily swayed, then jumps on this bandwagon not knowing what on earth they are supporting or defending.
People need to get responsible in their approach to the news being fed through both the print and electronic media. Someone or some group of people need to shed some light on issues that are hurting other people. America, if we do not stop this vengeful attitude of you hurt me or my family so I want "justice." People you're not truly seeking justice, you're out for revenge.
We need to become a nation of forgiving people and leave revenge to the God we profess to serve. Let a young lady go on living her life free of anybody's attack and effort to keep her down. She's being punished for any crimes ahe was convicted of and we should accept the same system that set someone free that we accept when someone else is convicted and sent to prison or sentenced to be executed.
On the issue of "G.L.B.T." if we were to take a national pole or statistic of that group of people verses those who are not a part of that group I believe the results would be more than surprising or even alarming. The results would be shocking.
Having said that I would say to those who are not a part of that group, "How did this happen?" So we're being told that to mix "religion" with therapy or to try to convert, no wait a minute. Let's use a more appropriate word here, to try to "restore" these people whether one by one or by groups is dangerous. Would someone please, since you criticize these methods, please give us the solution or the proper method. Proverbially speaking we're all in this ship together (larger than the titanic I must add) and holes keep popping up causing us to sink deeper and deeper into the SIN Ocean. Yet everytime someone especially a Christian tries to plug a hole, he/she is told, "It is too dangerous to do it that way."
Please, for God's sake tell us the solution because you seem to know all the dangerous methods, therefore you must know the "right" approach. I know this is only a "Passing phase," for I know future generations are wise and will not let this attrocitous sin continue.
We thank God that in the midst of all this chaos and confusion from the executive branch of government, all the way down to the small man on the streets of this "great" country, a beacon of light is still shining, through the strength of one young woman name Jaycee Dugard. At least that's one item every single individual in this population of over three hundred million agrees on. To God be the glory. Amen.

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